Ep38- Top Episodes & Summer Plans

5/30/23 - Summer Podcast Plans

Say "Hello!" to summer, friends!

First of all, I want to thank you for listening to the show over the past few months. Since October, when we launched, we've had more than 5,000 downloads - I am SO grateful to you!

And if you've been a listener for any length of time since then, you'll know that I'm also a mom of 2 school-aged kiddos. With that in mind, I'll be taking some time over the next three months to enjoy some quality family time, but I will be dropping episodes during that time**, too - just not weekly.

So, just in case you need a refresher, or missed some episodes, I'm sharing my top 5+ downloads for your listening pleasure...

Top Episodes - In case you missed them or need a refresher…

Remember to subscribe so you get notified about my summer episodes

every time!

Your “summer school homework”: Ask yourself “What do I need to change in my business for the next 3 months to enjoy the summer more?”....and then implement. 

Remember: profit is important, but not at the sacrifice of the life you want to live

So, until next time, may your SUMMER be filled with sunshine, drinks by the pool, grilling in your backyard, paddling your favorite lake, rolling in the grass with your kids…and some profit too!


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Ep39 - Taxes & Running Your Business Abroad with Laurie Marson, CPA


Ep37- Gaining Confidence in Making Business Decisions